Learn the Amazing Powers Healing Crystals & Gems

Astrologers often suggest gems and crystals for addressing the adverse effects of planets. What they really dwell upon is the amazing healing powers of gems and crystals. Use of gems and crystals for healing various ailments is one of the ancient practices in Ayurveda and yoga therapy. We at Yoga Therapy Foundation aim to make you conversant of the healing powers of gems and crystals and their use for overall benefit of human beings and the community at large.

Become a Gem/Crystal healing Specialist

If your objective is to become and internationally recognized gem/crystal healer then we can help fulfill your dream with ease and convenience. Both gemstones and crystals are popular ingredients of jewelries worn by men and women. They are embedded into various jewelries from the small rings through large necklaces and bracelets. However we at Yoga Therapy Foundation bring to light another aspect of the gems/crystals that they are not only meant for fashion but also have medicinal values as healing mediums for various ailments. You will also find that with this realization there has been considerable rise in demand for healing jewelries in the market these days.

We Tell You How to Make the Right Use of Gems/Crystals

To make the best use of gems and crystals as healing components you need to know their right use because –

  • Not all gems or crystals are suitable for general healing
  • Specific gems or crystals need to be used for healing specific ailments
  • To become a specialist you need to know exactly which gem or crystal would be appropriate for your client
  • That is why we have designed our course accordingly so that you learn exactly how to go for it.

We Also Introduce You to Real and Genuine Products

There are numerous providers of gems and crystals around but unfortunately many of them are not genuine products. However to get the best results out of the use of gems or crystals for healing effects one need to identify the genuine ones and discard the fake ones. That is what we teach you with the help of our gemstone and crystal expert faculties.

What Our Courses on Gems/Crystal Healing Offers

When you successfully complete our internationally accredited certificate courses in yoga based gems/crystals for healing you will know –

  • Which are the genuine and effective gems/crystals to be used
  • Which of them is appropriate for carrying out the healing task at hand
  • Alternative gems and crystals that can also have healing effects
  • How to integrate the basic principles of yoga therapy and Ayurveda for best use of gems and crystals
  • Ability to effectively use the knowledge and skills for healing the ailments and sufferings of the larger communities.
Gems and Crystals

Gems and Crystals

What Can You Do After Certification

Since our certificates are internationally recognized you can do the followings after obtaining the certification.

  • Become an internationally acclaimed teacher for teaching the knowledge and skills among your students
  • Work as an independent yoga and Ayurveda based gems/crystal healer making huge impacts for the clients you serve
  • Work in any reputed organization as part of their gems/crystal healing system
  • Help the community of suffering fellow human beings while building up your own career as a healer.
At Yoga Therapy Foundation you will learn the secrets of yoga and Ayurveda based gems/crystal healing of ailments in an extremely friendly environment that would help you learn the tricks of the trade making you the expert in helping others as well as in self-healing. No need to wait any more. Pick up your phone now or email us and get started.
Days Timings Price
5 days 1.5 Hour/Day 140 USD
10 days 1.5 Hour/Day 280 USD
15 days 1.5 Hour/Day 420 USD
20 days 1.5 Hour/Day 560 USD

Note: All Therapies at Yoga Therapy Foundation will be arranged on prior notice.

GEMS Therapy