Tantra Therapy

Combining Yoga with Tantra Therapy

Uttering the word Tantra can trigger a negative feeling in your mind. For ages; the concept of Tantra is associated with black magic. But there is another side of it and Tantra is as effective in rendering beneficial impacts through white magic as its adverse effects through black magic. At Yoga Therapy Foundation we work to explore the positive side of Tantra and Tantra therapy integrating it with our unique yoga therapy. Combined together these two can work wonders in healing of any type of ailments.

What our Tantra Therapy Offers

Our yoga based Tantra therapy curriculum begins with the followings –

  • Soul touching effects of Tantra therapy and massage
  • Spiritual art of Tantra massage and touch therapy
  • Well-structured program of sacred rituals and practices
  • Coupling yoga and Tantra in tangible and experiential manner.

The Essence of Tantrik Traditions

In classic Tantra tradition the body is looked upon as a temple. It is worth worshipping and admiring and it can render intense pleasure beyond one’s imaginary powers. For instance;; the sexual Tantra therapy is even today one of the most effective healing methods for treating sexual problems in the entire world. We at Yoga Therapy Foundation aim to explore and distribute this aspect of Tantra incorporating its healing powers in our yoga therapy so that learning it you are able to serve the larger community suffering from various ailments.

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Tantra Therapy

Learn the Beneficial Aspects of Tantra Therapy

At Yoga Therapy Foundation you will learn the beneficial aspects of Tantra therapy with yoga including –

  • Far reaching effects of it on body and mind
  • Ability to remove physical and psychological sexual blockages
  • Suitability for eradicating common dysfunctions like inability to achieve deep states of orgasms
  • Generating restorative as well as sacred healing process for various types of ailments.

Core Concept of Our Tantra Therapy Courses

The core concept underlying our yoga based Tantra therapy courses is to train people in becoming learned and proficient therapists in the trade. The course contains full contents about treating different ailments using the combination of yoga and Tantra therapies. It is one the rarest healing processes that needs to be learnt with a sense of dedication and devotion and the commitment to honor divine heritage of Tantra and yoga as they constitute the roots of this unique and amazing science.

Different Types of Courses to Choose From

At the Foundation we offer different types of Tantra therapy with yoga courses and you can choose one depending your time, availability, requirements, and budget. However the common features of all the courses are as follows –

  • Learning about the fundamentals including the concept of energy or shakti
  • Yogic timings and their corresponding importance for tantric therapies
  • Basic principles in Ayurveda
  • Different types of Ayurvedic massages revitalizing the energies in the body
  • Practical courses step wise on massages and adopting a holistic approach towards Tantra therapies with yoga
  • Finding the sensitive or marma points in the anatomy
  • Learning the basics of energy flow in the bod and giving it mpetus with therapeutic treatments
  • The art of integrating yoga and Tantra therapies.
At the end of it you will be a different personality altogether with the ability for self-healing as well as healing the ailments of others. Become an expert in the trade and serve mankind needing your help and at the same time build up a rewarding career as yoga and Tantra therapy specialist.
Days Timings Price
5 days 1.5 Hour/Day 250 USD
10 days 1.5 Hour/Day 400 USD
15 days 1.5 Hour/Day 500 USD

Note: All Therapies at Yoga Therapy Foundation will be arranged on prior notice.

Tantra Therapy

Tantra Therapy