Three Levels of Reiki

Yoga Therapy and Three Levels of Reiki that We Provide

Experts after prolonged research and experimentations have arrived at the conclusion that an innovative and intelligent combination of yoga therapy and Reiki in three levels can work very well for treating various ailments. We at Yoga Therapy Foundation take care to use the combination in form of our high quality yoga therapy courses for you.

Your Experience of Yoga Therapy with Reiki

When you take to yoga therapy with Reiki at Yoga Therapy Foundation; you will –

  • Have a different level of sense of hearing
  • Be able to take more by listening than by speaking out
  • Allow silence to linger without becoming uncomfortable
  • Completely transform your life with combination of yoga and Reiki because though they are two separate entities they have similar outcomes.

What is Reiki | HEaling Hands?

You will certainly like to know little more about Reiki. Basically Reiki is Japanese energy modality where the Reiki practitioner uses his or her hands on the affected part of the body transmitting curative energies. The curative process may be of physical, mental, or spiritual ailments. One can get rid of various ailments like pain, depression, insomnia, and many more. Best part of it is that Reiki can be administered on all living beings including the plants. At Yoga Therapy Foundation you will learn Reiki to become the master in use of universal energies. It can also be administered on food and water.

What You will Learn with Us

When you join our yoga therapy with Reiki course you will learn to –

  • Combining the postures of yoga with generation and use of energies in Reiki
  • Experience the ultimate transformation with the combination of yoga and Reiki
  • With each level of Reiki combine with yoga unravel the inner self and enlightenment
  • Use Reiki and its energies in different layers of yoga and yoga therapy practices as with such combination it would be easier reaching out to different parts of the anatomy easily
  • Extend unconditional love and understanding to those who are suffering from various physical, mental, and spiritual problems.

In essence; the combination is all about passing the energies to such parts of the anatomy where it is most required.

Healing Hands

Three Level Reiki

To Make best Use of Yoga with Reiki

For making best uses of yoga therapy with Reiki you have to shelve all doubts about their effectiveness. You will have to move ahead with a taste for adventure. Start with slow breathing with mediation before starting the yoga asanas and then take on Reiki practices.

Three Levels of Reiki and Yoga

There are three levels of Reiki and each of them can be combined with yoga therapy. At Yoga Therapy Foundation you will learn about all of them.

  • Focus during first level is opening up energy channels in the anatomy so that you can connect the universal energy with head to heart and hands. At this stage you will practice Reiki with yoga therapy on self to master the art.
  • Focus of the teacher and learners in the second stage is practicing Reiki with yoga on others. This is the time for you to receive Reiki symbols and sending the energies for healing ailments of others.
  • Third level of Reiki is one when you become master of the art learning about all inner factors for successful application of Reiki and yoga on others. You can channelize the universal energies according to the needs in each case you treat with yoga and Reiki combination.
Whether you are a beginner, an accomplished yoga and Reiki practitioner, a patient, or any other, our yoga therapy with Reiki has something for each of you. Register with us for learning now and know your inner excellences and attain the true enlightenment on healing ailments of all types using universal energy flow.