Yoga Therapy and Naturopathy

Yoga Therapy and Naturopathy

Yoga is all about holistic approach to health problems and their treatments. We at Yoga Therapy Foundation appreciate this and we design our courses and processes of naturopathy accordingly. The basic objective we have is to create a healthy as well as peaceful society in the process.

Objectives of Our Naturopathy Courses

Naturopathy courses offered by Yoga Therapy Foundation have the following objectives.

  • To transform qualified yoga teachers into yoga therapists as well as naturopath.
  • Give them the desired training and orientation for tuning the yoga therapists as well as naturopaths to face all the challenges that come their way in working at hospitals, health centers, and also as private therapists.

Best Courses for Qualified Yoga Teachers

Our yoga and naturopathy package is ideal for qualified yoga teachers and if you are one and looking for the enhancement of your knowledge base and skill levels in natural therapy then you should not think twice before adopting to our program. The training is imparted by highly qualified international standard faculties and our courses are available at the most competitive prices.

The Concept of Naturopathy

Before acquiring skill and expertise on any profession and especially in medical science; you need to appreciate the true essence of the program you are resorting to. Therefore before starting our studies and training on Naturopathy we give you a complete overview of the process.

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Yoga Therapy and Naturopathy


1. What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is the process through which diseases and ailments can be cured without using any medication of any type. At the same time it is an integration of understanding the physical, mental, as well as spiritual constitution of the human anatomy and using the knowledge to restore balance and equilibrium in health condition of the patient concerned.

2. What are the Principles of Naturopathy?

Core concept of naturopathy is that cause of ailments is presence of toxins and to cure them it is necessary removing the toxins. It is also the intoxicants that cause diseases and not the bacteria and viruses. Because they feed on toxicants and cause diseases they are not the true reasons of ailments. Nature is also the best doctors and naturopathy is the medicine and hence no other medicine is necessary.

3. What are the Techniques of Naturopathy?

We at Yoga Therapy Foundation we use the four therapeutic techniques for naturopathy. These are –

  • Food therapy
  • Mud therapy
  • Water therapy
  • Massage therapy

All these therapies include the principles of Ayurveda and we have devised specific schedules for each type of therapies that you will come to know as you register for the training and orientation at our Foundation.

Methodologies Involved in Our Naturopathy

Methodologies involved in our naturopathy are as follows and they are all based on yoga and Ayurveda principles.

  • Food therapy involves use of natural food, especially green and leafy vegetables as food as well as medicines
  • Different combinations of food and beverages are used depending on the anatomic structure of the user
  • Mud therapy involves both mud bath and mud pack and they can address tensions, high blood pressure, anxieties, gastric and skin disorders, and constipation
  • Water therapy involves use of cool and fresh water and they have several categories
  • Massage therapy with full body as well as specific limb massages.
Our yoga therapy based naturopathy can cure multiple ailments in a natural way without the adverse effects of traditional medication and drugs. A healthy life awaits you. Just try it and enjoy.
Days Timings Price
5 days 2 Hour/Day 250 USD
10 days 2 Hour/Day 380 USD
15 days 2 Hour/Day 520 USD

Note: All Therapies at Yoga Therapy Foundation will be arranged on prior notice.

Nature Therapy

Yoga Therapy & Naturopathy