Welcome to Yoga Therapy Foundation, your one point destination for achievement of physiological, psychological, and spiritual goals using yoga therapy. Our yoga therapy packages are comprehensive and designed to achieve all your physical, psychic, and spiritual goals with a holistic approach.
While our yoga therapy comprises of all the elements of Ashthanga Yoga such as Samadhi, niyama, asana, yama, pratyahara, pranayama, dhayana, and dharana but is not limited to asthangayoga alone. Instead; our holistic yoga therapy encompasses various other elements like
One of the points where our yoga therapy puts emphasis is balancing your stressful and undisciplined lifestyle. Towards this end we introduce best diet plans and yoga exercises befitting your anatomic conditions. The results are immense development of your health condition both physical and mental and this marks the beginning of a truly successful future life for you. Before suggesting any yoga therapy for you our expert therapists usually make an in-depth study of the age, strength, and lifestyle of the client and decide on the type, period, and place of administering yoga therapy.
Our yoga therapy can –
Inherent principles of our yoga therapy are –
Yoga therapy intends to address various physical and mental ailments using yoga practices. The challenges at any level can be managed by reducing symptoms and increasing vitality with improvement in overall attitude of the person treated. Basically our yoga therapy focuses on the health as well as well being of the person at all three levels; physical, spiritual, and psychological leading him or her to the way connecting the body with mind which is the primary intention of administering the therapies.